Thursday, November 21, 2013

Say Goodbye to Annonymity

If you have read my initial research "Missed The Mark: Smartphones and Their Use In End Time Prophecy" you will understand how an elimination of annonymity is required in order to control all buying and selling.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Happy Independence Day America!

I wanted to take a moment tell my fellow Americans "Happy Independence Day"! Feels odd celebrating my countries independence from our cousins across the pond while blogging about technology designed to create dependency.

For those who are new please take a moment and read the original blog post "Missed the Mark: Smartphones and Their Use In End Time Prophecy". If this link doesn't work you can go to previous posts and find it or just paste this URL in to your browser.

It is a long read but trust me, it is worth it. This original post is my initial research in to the potential use of Smartphone technologies to fulfill end time prophecy. This research began when I was attending the graduate school for Arts and Humanities at the University of Texas, Dallas (UTD). My goal with the research is to point out that technology is being put in place to control people. With the recent revelations regarding the collusion between technology firms such as GOOGLE and Facebook and the National Security Agency (NSA) it is easy to begin to see how this technology was not intended to benefit us. The entertainment afforded us by this technology was simply bait on the hook. Those who have studied marketing should have recognized these dangers earlier than most.

Please enjoy the information here and Thank You for visiting my blog.

Monday, May 27, 2013

Wednesday, April 24, 2013